Graffiti Wall

Heavy showers were forecast for the Village Fayre so it was decided to set up the Graffiti Wall in the Small Hall next to the Face Painting. Many of the younger children had fun painting on the Wall and there were some interesting contributions. The first was from a boy giving a firm thumbs up for the MUGA confirming how he liked it, and another boy wrote: ‘I wish the village were a bit more more colourful’! There were drawings of ‘happy people’ and ‘trees’ and also a picture of the School with the message ‘I love Scol’!
Thank you to the children who painted their ideas on the Wall. We need more contributions however, particularly from older children, so in the Autumn term it is proposed to set up the Wall at a Beavers, Cubs and Scouts evening; at the Primary School; and at a Church Family Service.
Click on a photo below for a closer look.