News 3: April 2011

Our OPEN DAY on 19 March was very successful. It was attended by 110 people who talked with Steering Group members about the aim of the PLAN and participated in the ‘Like / Dislike’ survey with their ‘post-it’ note comments on relevant issues. Several more people volunteered to help with the PLAN. Take a look at the Launch Responses, Open Day Responses and a Summary of Attendances.
A competition to find a Logo for our PLAN was held at the Open Day and Art Exhibition. Entries were judged by Mike Spring, Head of Art at Sibford School, Paul Hollidge, Head of Sibford Primary School and Richard Hartree. The judges recommended the amalgamation of designs submitted by John Simms and Sarah Spencer. The final version will be appearing shortly on the village website and on the next Newsletter.
The Steering Group met on 28 March and decided to set up Working Groups to cover the issues related to:
- Housing
- Traffic, Roads, and Footpath and Bridleway Network
- Leisure and Recreation
- Community Facilities
- Environment
- Business and Economy
These Groups will start by familiarising themselves with the issues, researching the background, studying them ‘on site’ and preparing questions which will be included in a PLAN Questionnaire to all households in the two villages. These replies will be the Community’s major input to its Vision of the future and the Actions needed to achieve it. Together these will become the finished SIBFORDS COMMUNITY PLAN.
We expect to undertake the background research and design of the Questionnaire this Summer, deliver the forms, collect them and analyse replies in the Autumn, work on the Vision and Action Plans in the Winter and have a completed PLAN by early Summer 2012.
If you have not already volunteered to help and would now like to do so please let me know. Volunteering could be anything from baby-sitting for another Volunteer to becoming involved in detailed work.
A meeting of all Volunteers will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 12 April at 8:00pm in order to discuss the plan process and start to assemble the Working Groups. We hope to see you there.
Richard Hartree, Chair Steering Group.
T: 788215