Bus service

The Sibfords are served by Stagecoach service 75 Stratford-upon-Avon – Banbury.
We’ll try to keep the timetable summary below up to date, but to be certain please refer to the Stagecoach website; you’ll need to enter the service number 75.
The village is fortunate to have this service, which only exists because it is subsidised by Warwickshire County Council; Oxfordshire makes no contribution.
Did you know that you can track the arrival of your bus on the Stagecoach mobile phone app? As recommended by Trevor.
Timetable from July 2024
- Leave Sibford Ferris to Banbury:
- M-F: 06:21, 08:37, 11:07, 13:28, 17:34
- Sat: 06:56, 08:35, 11:09, 13:29, 17:31
- Leave from Banbury for Sibford:
- M-F: 06:50 (Term-time) 07:05 (Holidays), 11:40, 14:30, 17:40
- Sat: 11:40, 14:30, 17:40
- Leave Sibford Ferris to Stratford:
- M-F: 07:13 (Term-time), 07:28 (Holidays), 12:03, 14:53, 18:03
- Sat: 12:03, 14:53, 18:03
- Leave from Stratford for Sibford
- M-F: 05:45, 07:30, 10:30, 12:50, 16:25
- Sat: 06:17, 07:57, 10:30, 12:50, 16:40
No service on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
last updated