27th April 2025, Holy Trinity Church Music with Sounds Historical Tickets £15 from ticketsource.co.uk/soundshistorical
27th April 2025, Holy Trinity Church
Music with Sounds Historical
Tickets £15 from ticketsource.co.uk/soundshistorical
27th April 2025, Holy Trinity Church
Music with Sounds Historical
Tickets £15 from ticketsource.co.uk/soundshistorical
With a distribution of posies, followed by tea and cake in the Village Hall.
Offers of help with teas, setting up and clearing away and offers of cakes to Isabel, please, at 07989 968 736.
All welcome!
Following the Book of Common Prayer
Lay led
The church is normally open to visitors every day from 9am until dusk.
For current information about the church and the Wykeham Benefice group of churches, please visit https://wykehambenefice.org.uk/home/sibford
The church was consscrated in 1840, probably on 15 June, Trinity Sunday. A history of the church was written by Maureen and Keith Hicks to mark its 175th anniversary in 2015.
Our Memorial Inscriptions page is gradually being uploaded with details of burials in the churchyard of Holy Trinity Church.
Holy Trnity Church PCC is registered with the Charity Commission as a charity.
Holy Trinity Church, Sibford
19 Jul 2022
Holy Trinity Church, Sibford
11 Mar 2005
Incumbents plaque, Holy Trinity Church, Sibford
21 Sep 2023