Parish Councils

Divided by the mighty Sib, Sibford is blessed with two parish councils, and in this section you will find documentation about their policies and procedures, as well as the official Agendas and Minutes of their meetings.
Our Planning Applications page lists recent planning applications for the two parishes, plus others from surrounding parishes that may be of interest to Sibford residents. If you are thinking of developing your property in Sibford, you will need to be aware of the Conservation Area.
In 2011/12, residents of the villages worked together to develop the Sibfords Community Plan. In the Sibfords Community Plan section we have preserved the web pages that were published at the time to keep villagers informed of progress. Shortly after the Sibfords Community Plan was completed, the government introduced Neighbourhood Plans, which carry more weight in the planning process than Community Plans.
The boundaries of the Parish Councils may be examined on the Ordnance Survey’s Election Maps website.