Coming up...
Tots and babes
Sibford Tots and Babes

Sibford Tots and Babes is a friendly toddler group which runs every Friday in the village hall.
Our aim is to provide a friendly, welcoming and supportive toddler group for local families. We are a diverse group, fathers and grandparents are also regular attendees.
Sibford village hall is a very child friendly location. We have a good selection of good quality toys, and a soft play area for the little ones. We also have a lovely play area outside for when the weather is fine.
Each week the children have the chance to play and socialise, and also have a chance to complete a craft project. We also include singing and a game or story.
We run every Friday from 09.30 to 11.30 term time only. The cost per-session is £2.00 and 50p per extra sibling. This pays for the cost of the hall rental, snack, drinks and activities. On arrival, please pay, sign in, and attach your name labels.
Sibford Tots and Babes is a voluntary group, and to ensure it is enjoyable for everyone, we ask for help setting up, putting toys away, making snacks, washing up or making tea and coffee. We also have a rota for bringing milk each week for the hot drinks. There is also an opportunity to lead the weekly craft project, but don’t worry if this is not your forte, there are lots of ways to help.
The majority of snacks are provided through donations; fresh fruit or healthy snacks are very much appreciated. If your child has any allergies, please inform the group so extra provision can be made.
We also advise that everyone is careful with hot drinks. We use thermal cups with lids and keep full cups out of reach on a tray on the piano.
As all parents / carers stay with their children, they are responsible for them at all times. This includes behaviour, safety or any risks. We all know toddler behaviour can be challenging at times, but this is to help ensure that all the children are safe, and enjoy their time at the group.
A few guidelines for everyone’s safety
Compiled from previous experiences!!
- are supervised whilst painting, glueing or using scissors
- do not play with the piano
- do not hang or twist around the curtains
- do not go in the kitchen
- are supervised in the toilet; although unravelling toilet roll and turning on the taps is fun, we try and discourage this game!
Other than that, have fun!
We encourage children to be kind to each other, share toys and take turns with any activity. Good luck! Our aim is to provide a safe, happy environment which allows children to socialise and have fun. Please enjoy your time with the group. Thank you.
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