The Sibfords Society began in 1993 and changed its name to The Sibfords History Society in 2019. Meetings are held nine times each year. These include talks of historical interest and external visits during the summer. We concentrate mainly on the local area but are occasionally happy to invite speakers from further afield. We have an archive room where we preserve evidence for future generations. Read our Constitution and Aims.
Membership costs £15 per year, to be paid at the AGM in March. Guests are welcome on payment of an entry fee of £5 per person, to be paid at the door (schoolchildren free). Free tea and coffee is usually served after the meeting.
For further information, please contact Diana on 788 214 or email
For more information about local history in Oxfordshire, visit the Oxfordshire Local History Association.
Browse the website pages at for historical information and photos related to the Sibfords and their inhabitants.
Test your knowledge of local history with our picture quiz booklet (answers at the back!).
Programme for 2025
Talks start at 7.30pm unless stated otherwise. Click on the date for full details of a meeting.
Thu 20 February 7pm | Social Evening | 17th century music performed by The Oxford Waits, followed by a curry supper |
Thu 20 March 7pm | Bill King | Yesterday’s Childhood A light-hearted look at how the concept of childhood has changed over the years, from early 18th century to modern times. The talk will be preceded by the Society’s Annual General Meeting |
Thu 17 April | Lizzy Rowe | St Peter’s College Oxford & the Duncan Grant Collection Duncan Grant was a British painter and designer of textiles, pottery, theatre sets and costumes. He was a member of the group of English writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists known as the Bloomsbury Group. |
Thu 15 May | Gillian White | The Hugely Huggable History of the Teddy Bear The origins and history of the humble bear and how it is linked to some of the most influential people of the times. |
Thu 19 June | | Screening of Sibford’s Millennium Pageant |
July | Day trip | To be arranged |
Thu 18 September | Mark Davies | Oxford Castle: 17th Century Crimes, Escapes and Punishments Gripping tales of 17th century hard labour, transportation, escape, and execution, revealing some extremes of human depravity and ingenuity. |
Thu 16 October | Oswyn Murray | The Battle of Edgehill and the Sibford Gallows Oswyn has been investigating a strange inscription found by David Soden, and its possible relationship to the Battle of Edgehill. He asks for your help. |
Thu 20 November | Tim Healey | A 17th Century Christmas An entertaining romp through Yuletide celebrations at the time of the English Civil War and Restoration. Wassailing rites, frost fairs, Twelfth Night customs – and the Puritan backlash against Christmas itself. |
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