CDC budget consultation 2022/23

Message from Michael Furness, Assistant Director, Finance, Cherwell District Council:
Cherwell District Council’s budget consultation 2022/23 is now open. Apologies, we realise the timeframe for the consultation is tight but we highly value your feedback and would like to invite you to have your say.
Our budget consultation booklet provides background information on the council’s finances and our approach to setting the budget this year. We encourage you to read this before having your say. We also recommend your council reads our budget proposals that will be discussed by the Budget Planning Committee on 9 December 2021. An overview of the council’s budget proposals is contained in our news story, published on the council’s website. We are consulting people on what we know now but, as we move through the winter, the situation may change as we get to know more detail about the financial support available to the council from government. Town and parish councils may find the proposal referenced ‘SELEC221: Review of recharges to parishes for Cherwell District Council running parish elections’ of particular interest.
- To have your say on Cherwell District Council’s 2022/23 budget proposals, including our proposed council tax level for 2022/23, please visit and complete the online survey.
- All responses must be received by Tuesday 4 January 2022.
We are keen for as many people as possible to read our budget proposals and have their say. Please do share information about this consultation with residents in your local area. A small number of paper copies of the consultation booklet are available in libraries. Feedback from the budget consultation will be considered by the council’s Executive on 7 February 2022. Cherwell District Council will meet to set its budget on 28 February 2022.
Thank you in advance for your help. We look forward to receiving your feedback.