Civil Parking Enforcement

From November this year Oxfordshire County Council, in partnership with South Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse and Cherwell District Councils, is implementing Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE). This is where powers to enforce parking contraventions transfers from the Police to the County Council. It is expected that CPE will bring a number of benefits to residents, businesses and other road users, including increased compliance of parking restrictions and less blocking of major traffic routes by parked vehicles.
There is more information on the leaflet attached below and on the Oxfordshire CC website.
Tim Huckvale (webmaster) writes: I’m willing to be proved wrong, but as far as I can make out this will have absolutely zero impact within the Sibfords, as there are no parking restrictions anywhere in the villages (ie no yellow lines). Obstruction offences, such as cars parked partly on the footpath where there is no parking restriction marked, will continue to be a police matter. However it may possibly become easier for the community to request the establishment of parking restrictions – provided that the parish councils are willing to pay for them.