Pheasant Pluckers Planning Application Refused

Cherwell District Council (CDC) have refused planning permission in principle to build 3 – 7 dwellings on the Pheasant Pluckers Inn (Blaze Inn Saddles) site in Burdrop. The reasons for refusal are:
The proposed development constitutes residential development within the built up limits of the settlement. Development of this scale at Burdrop is restricted to minor development, infilling and conversions. The proposed development would not constitute ‘infilling’ and would result in an urbanising form of development and within an important gap to the character and appearance of Sibford Gower and Burdrop Conservation Area which by reason of its location would adversely impact the rural setting of the village, including designated heritage assets and would result in harm to the rural character and appearance and quality of the area. In addition, the proposed development would be sited in a geographically unsustainable location with poor access to services and facilities and therefore future residents would be highly reliant on the private car to meet their day to day needs which would not reduce the need to travel and would result in increased car journeys and hence carbon emissions. Further, the proposed 5-7 dwellings would lead to the loss of an existing village service, and no supporting information has been submitted to demonstrate the service is no longer viable or that additional dwellings within the site would not adversely affect the viability of the public house. This identified harm would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the proposal, and therefore the development does not constitute sustainable development when assessed against the National Planning Policy Framework as a whole. As such the proposal is contrary to Policies ESD1, ESD13, ESD15, SLE4 and Villages 1 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1, saved Policies H18, C28, C33 and S29 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
For more information, refer to application 24/02664/PIP on the CDC website.