Jubilee day 2 – the History Walk

About 30 folk braved the rain for a fascinating walk around Broad Sibford which, our knowledgeable guide Maureen Hicks informed us, until quite recently was the name commonly given to the combined settlements of Sibford Gower and Burdrop.
Stopping off at Piggy Path, Burdrop water point, Coffin Walk, the Primary School, Millennium Field, the Meeting House, Bonds End Lane and the Old Rectory, we learnt the about the origins of the village names and footpath names, the importance of springs and rams, the unusally long history of the school, what local men used to practice at Buttslade House, the influence of the Quakers, the importance of the plush trade, …and a lot more.

Setting off from the Village Hall
3 Jun 2022

At the water point in Burdrop.
3 Jun 2022

Outside the Old Rectory near the pond – end of walk and a chance to spot the fake window.
3 Jun 2022