Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, 2 – 5 June 2012

Four Days of Enthusiastic Celebrations Despite the Weather!
Saturday: The celebrations started with the Jubilee Fayre with lots of free rides for children. and the ever popular Sibford Dog Show. This was followed by a free Disco and Talent Show in the village hall with some amazing talent from our young people.
Sunday: The Jubilee celebration service coincided with the 172nd birthday of Holy Trinity church. The wet cold afternoon did not stop villagers turning out to visit the numerous Open Gardens and enjoying homemade teas in the Gower.
Monday: An afternoon of fun sports for all ages in the grounds of Sibford School. The weather stayed kind, even warm at times with families enjoying a picnic tea and rounders to early evening.
Tuesday: The Sibfords’ Society Walking Quiz attracted a large crowd with some staying for tea at the Wykham Arms afterwards. In the evening the pub quiz had a flavour of royalty or diamonds and kept all the competitors focussed on the Diamond Jubilee Theme.
Thanks are due to all those who worked so hard in many different ways to provide the varied activities in the village to celebrate the Jubilee. Financial support from Cherwell District Council, the Town Estates Charity and the Gower and Ferris Parish Councils was fundamental in defraying all the costs involved and we are most grateful for their support.
Click here for photographs.