Jubilee celebrations begin

Sibford’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations kicked off today with the opening of the Seven Decades exhibition in the small village hall, the Floral Display in the church, and the Torchlight Procession and Beacon at night.
A good-sized crowd processed from the Gower pond to the village hall field waving torches and lanterns to witness the lighting of the beacon. MC Keith had to stop the countdown to lighting as master beacon craftsman Adrian, despite his impeccable Boy Scout credentials, had difficulty igniting the bunch-of-straw-on-a-pole that he planned to use to reach the beacon. Fortunately Scott stepped forward from the crowd with his paraffin lantern and saved the night – the beacon quickly sprang into life.
If you missed the beacon then you missed it, but you have all weekend to savour the floral display greeting you with its delightful scent as you enter the church porch, and the Seven Decades of The Sibfords exhibition, where the very image of the Queen will greet you at the entrance to the small village hall.
Many thanks to the Sibford Photography Club and other folk for the photos sent in. To maintain privacy I have not named the photographers, but if you wish to be publicly credited, please let me know at webmaster

The floral display greets you with its scent as you enter the church porch
2 Jun 2022

The flower arrangements are themed for the coronation and each jubilee
2 Jun 2022

Seven decades of The Sibfords in the small hall
3 Jun 2022

A goodly crowd…

…joined the torchlight procession…
2 Jun 2022

…through Sibford Gower…
2 Jun 2022

…and witnessed…

…the lighting of…

…the beacon…
2 Jun 2022

…and its dying embers.
2 Jun 2022