Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, November 24, Saturday   a

Cold East wind, but fine and bright day. Walked out this morning to Sibford Ferris. Walker Blacksmith told me he had a new apprentice from the Shipston on Stour charity. Dr Caldicott had told him to send the boy to Sunday School. He would do so tomorrow. The charity gave him £5 for outfit. The Notices of Parish meeting on December 4 at 6.30 pm today for Election of Parish Councillors are posted at Inns and Poulton’s Overseers today.

I met Mr Dixon at Sibford Ferris. He told me they were likely to have a Council for that Parish. He seemed to think the Loggin land too highly rented and that through the Parish Council they would be able to get better and more convenient land. For the same rent, £2 per acre, as they pay for the “Loggins.” I called on Lewis Poulton. He thought they would not be able to get other land for allotments so cheap and good on the whole as what they have now.

Visited Mr and Mrs Ainge. He was better and “out at field.” Also Mrs Turner and Mr Woolgrove. The latter promised to go over the work at Heath done by Lewis Poulton.

Mr W Lamb sent me a note this evening asking me to lend the School room on Wednesday evening next at 6.30 to the overseers for a preliminary meeting under the Parish Councils Act. I replied they were quite welcome to the use of the room, but they would be responsible for cleaning etc. and any damage that might be done.

1894, November 25, Sunday 

Cold east wind, dry. Attended and taught in Boys’ School this morning. Walker’s apprentice (Hancock) from Shipston on Stour was there for the first time. There were 34 boys present. I attended choir practice this evening. There were not so many outsiders present as last Sunday evening.

1894, November 27, Tuesday

Cold, dull, dry. Visited W Poulton and his wife and Miss Dix. Miss Bennett of Hook Norton, Miss Sarah, Miss Dix and Louie Thame were there.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.