Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, November 28, Wednesday 

Dull, mild, calm. Attended adjourned Ruri-decanal Chapter at Mr Porter’s Vicarage, Banbury. The object was to receive Report of Committee appointed by last chapter on Local Church Defence organisation. On my return, – it was a very dark evening, I lost the spring and holder of one of my lamps. As I was looking for it in the road by the light of the other lamp Thomas Lamb came up and gave it me. He was walking home from Bloxham, where he works and kicked against it in the dark somewhat lower down the road. The candle must have remained burning in the lamp some minutes after the spring and holder fell out. I got back home in time for the preliminary Parish Council meeting which was well attended and very orderly. I proposed F Inns should, as Senior Overseer, take the chair and agreed to nominate Mr Mann as District Councillor. It was agreed that Mr William Lamb, assistant overseer, should be chairman of the Parish meeting on Tuesday night next, subject to election at the time. It was thus decided because he is ineligible, on account of being a paid officer, for a seat on the Parish Council. Called on Hopkins: out.

1894, November 29, Thursday 

Dry, calm, dull nearly all day. Drove Bell to Hook Norton and called on the new Rector, Mr Russell, but he was not at home.

1894, November 30, Friday

Bright day, somewhat frosty. Papers came from Education Department. Wrote to Dr Edward Franey, the Medical Officer of Health for Certificate that School was closed on account of epidemic of scarlatina by his request.

Visited school this afternoon, also Mr John Lamb, Mr J Woolgrove and Mr F Inns. Met Mr Oddie and had some conversation with him about the Sibford Ferris allotments.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.