Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, September 29, Saturday 

Fine. After breakfast with Hughes, I bade him goodbye. Went to the Union and read about Theodora and Marozia in the French Dic. Universelle Biographie and about “Deus Redicolus” in Mommsen. The Bishop was there reading the morning paper. Left Oxford by 2.9 pm train. Arrived at Banbury 2.48. Blythman and Boissier were there. Harry met me, having left “Ruby” at Red Lion as requested. He drove me out and Ruby went extremely well. Reached home about 4.30. Eliza Webb from “Pig & Whistle” called with notice of Banns of marriage of herself and a young man, James Claridge, of New Maldon, Surrey. She also brought me a copy of a “will” which Jane Messenger had caused to be written ??about?? the disposal of her furniture etc after her death. I said I would call and see Jane Messenger about the matter.

1894, September 30, Sunday 

Fine and bright but cool. I took the boys to church morning and afternoon. Harry read prayers this morning and I preached. In afternoon he preached I read prayers. Mrs John Shelswell took dinner and tea with us. It is her last day in Sibford. She goes to Shenington tomorrow, where she and Miss Elizabeth Shelswell are to reside together and take charge of Ada Grimbly. The family have lived in this parish more than a century I believe. Their departure is a very great loss to the parish. I walked round “Pig & Whistle” with Harry this evening. The Evangelists’ tent is gone. The congregation this morning was about 150, this afternoon about 200.

1894, October 1, Monday   r

A child, Elizabeth Dale, came for her and her brother’s Penny Bank money this morning. Her parents have removed from Chilloway barn on Mr Mann’s farm, to Shutford; so I paid her 15/- of which 1/10 was added from Interest fund. Laura Webb called and asked me to marry her and James Dyer tomorrow at 11.30.

Harry drove his mother and sister to Tadmarton to call at the Rectory. I visited Jane Messenger and left her a rough draft for Last Will and Testament. Visited Mrs Ainge. Her husband has had a relapse and was in bed. I did not go up to see him as he was sleeping. Bell, Rosa and Harry called on Rev C and Mrs Wyatt at Broughton Rectory.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.