Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, October 2, Tuesday 

Fine, bright cold. Married Laura Webb and James Dyer. Rev Mr Trumper, Curate of Shutford, called and asked me to sign Letters Testimonial for him. He has, he says, the offer of a living in his own county, about 12 miles from Hereford. He stayed to lunch. Mr Riddle had signed it, and I added my signature.

Harry walked to Banbury to take Rev Mr Elton, Curate of St Mary’s to Whichford Harvest Festival with Gulley. But Mr Elton went out with Rev J R Izat, who preached at Whichford. He went from Banbury to Hook Norton and drove them to Whichford with Gulley. After the service at W, Harry walked home, arriving here at about 11.45. Bell and I walked round Sibford Ferris and Tyne Hill.

1894, October 3, Wednesday 

Fine. Miss S Dix and Bessie Thame were here to tea. Miss S Dix, in the absence of Mr Langley, took choir practice in school-room which I attended. I then walked round Alcocks Lane and “The Elm” with Harry. He called at Dr Routh’s, but the latter was not at home so we walked a little farther and returned to the Vicarage.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.