How wonderful it is to live in a village whose inhabitants can be inspired to use their various talents in such a generously willing way as to produce the marvellous pageant that we’ve just enjoyed. One in which not only the people, children and grown-ups but also the horses, sheep, birds (and of course, the insects!), played their parts so magnificently. I was particularly intrigued to see the head of the Friends School undergo a temporary sex change to become George Fox! Copies of the programme, which is also an historical record of the Sibfords are, I believe, still available.
The exhibition of over 100 paintings, drawings and embroideries by village artists, whose ages ranged from 11 to 94, which were on dis- play at the same time in the Manor house, excited great interest and not a little amazement at the range of talent demonstrated by them. How good it was to find that a photographic record of these lovely panels, accompanied by carefully researched texts giving historical and geographical details, had been produced in book form in time to be on sale during and after the pageant. It is an amazing piece of work, a beautifully executed and carefully researched historical and pictorial record of this stupendous village achievement. I believe copies are still available – do get some for those relatives and friends who were unable to enjoy the pageant, I believe the panels are still on display.
The whole Sibford community is greatly indebted to David Ryall, who wrote the pageant and to the magnificent team of actors: men, women and children who performed in it or helped with the many other tasks.
Also to Mollie Pickett whose inspiration and enthusiasm got her team of embroiderers to produce such superb work: and lastly to Andrew, Martin and Julia Gordon, also Nigel Fletcher, for producing the lovely book of the panels.
John Endersby