(August 2000) Sibford on the web
The Sibford web site is principally devoted to the Pageant. The site is now rarely visited and needs to be re-positioned. However, our web host is leaving the village and, as far as I know, there are no plans in place for the makeover the site needs.
I believe there is scope for a much more active Sibford web site. It could include, for example, a directory of local services, a calendar of events, a marketplace for household effects, a lost and found page, current planning issues etc. There could also be a forum providing an opportunity for discussion of village topics, eg pub names, or an outlet where ‘Disgusted, Burdrop’ could have his say.
There could be international interest in the site from Sibford ex-residents, friends, relations, contract workers etc around the world. The network could be precisely targeted by means of village airmail stickers issued by the village post office.
What we need is an enthusiast who knows the technology of site building and someone who has the time to host the site. I would be happy to discuss ideas with anyone who feels they can help take these suggestions forward.
Andrew Gordon