Sibford Scene Archive

Sibford Scene 214 February 1999

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“Our Dog Never Chases Sheep”

Our usual timely reminder to all dog owners about keeping their dogs under control when near livestock unfortunately takes on a more serious tone this year. We have recently had two sheep chased and attacked by a dog. The quick action of a neighbour in frightening the dog off and contacting us meant that we managed to save the sheep, one of which had been chased into the boggy area next to a pond and had to be lifted out of the mud. The wound in her neck then had to be stitched back together. Had we not been alerted to the problem we would have certainly found a dead sheep stuck in the mud next morning.

The dog in question is a perfectly normal family pet, so all those people who, when asked to put their dogs on leads, tell us “our dog never chases sheep” take note. As with all dogs of any size you can never trust them totally. I don’t think it is unreasonable to ask once again that all dogs should be permanently on a lead whenever you are crossing grazing land, whether you can see the livestock or not, or near farm buildings where hens and ducks may be roaming.

Adrian Lamb

Wheathills Farm

In the last issue of the Scene it was reported that an offer had been made by the Town Estate Charity. In fact a number of conflicting offers had been made and the agents therefore issued a second and different invitation which called for a swift response.

Because of the very strong desire in the villages to obtain control of the top field in particular, as expressed by the magnificent response to the pledge appeal, the chairmen of the two Parish Councils and the Charity agreed to make a second offer improved to the limit of the estimated funds available from the appeal and the Charity. This offer was accepted and the sale has now been completed, and the Charity now owns on behalf of the villages and itself the field between the Primary School and the churchyard.

The appeal fund is still open to receive donations as well as to assist the arrangement of Gift Aid tax relief certificates on donations already made. The final results will be reported in a later issue of the Scene.


Above, you may see one or two items of historical interest from this edition. To see the whole edition, click on the front-page image to download it as a pdf.