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In the Sibfords today…
Saturday 22 March 2025Summary for SE England: Becoming brighter with a chance of heavy showers developing.
Book Swap Café
Welcome to our monthly chance to have coffee/cake and a chat. Browse our large selection …
Welcome to our monthly chance to have coffee/cake and a chat. Browse our large selection of books and borrow any you like. No need to bring a book to swap. No charge. Donations welcome.
Ceylon Spice Wheels
NB at the Village Hall this week, not the shop. Pre-order by calling 07984 880 …
NB at the Village Hall this week, not the shop.
Pre-order by calling 07984 880 802
…and tomorrow
Holy Communion
Quaker Meeting
Please visit for meeting and contact details.
Please visit for meeting and contact details.
Yin Yoga
Private event
… and after that
Don't miss...
Book Swap Café
Welcome to our monthly chance to have coffee/cake and a chat. Browse our large selection …read more
Ceylon Spice Wheels
NB at the Village Hall this week, not the shop.
Pre-order by calling 07984 880 …read more
Yin Yoga
Film Night – Mr Jones
Mr. Jones is a 2019 Polish-Ukrainian-British thriller biographical film, based on the true story of …read more
Mothers’ Day service
With a distribution of posies, followed by tea and cake in the Village Hall.
Offers …read more
Mothers’ Day Tea & Cakes
Sibford Walkers
We leave the Village Hall car park on foot or by car at 10 am …read more
Lent Lunch
…more events
News & Notices
Litter picking in Sibford Gower and Burdrop
Sibford Gower Parish Council are very grateful to Flora Ransom for volunteering to litter pick and clean the road signs throughout Sibford Gower and Burdrop as part of her Bronze …read more
Easter Egg Trail
The Sibfords Newsletters
Our daily newsletters provide the local weather forecast and list upcoming village events, new planning applications, etc. Subscribe here!
The Town Estate Charity
The Town Estate Charity Sibford Gower and Burdrop (Registered Charity No 253440) has a remit to use surplus funds for three purposes:
- the general benefit of the parish,…read more
Walks near Sibford
We are blessed with great walking country around the Sibfords. Visit the Sibford Walkers webpage for maps of over 50 circular walks. Each map page includes a link to download …read more
Fix My Street
The most reliable way to report problems with roads and local amenities, such as
- Abandoned vehicles
- Dog Fouling
- Drainage
- Flyposting or graffiti
- Flytipping or litter
- Pavements
- Streetcleaning
- Unlit lampposts
- Potholes…read more
Nextdoor social network
Nextdoor is a social network designed specifically for local communities. Locally it runs with the Ferris and the Gower as separate neighbourhoods, but it does share information between them. It …read more
…earlier news
Voices from the past
46 years ago
the Sibford Scene in September 1979
Sibford Folk Dance Club: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Sibfords, the Sibford Folk Dance Club meets in the Village Hall every Tuesday evening from …
Sibford Folk Dance Club
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Sibfords, the Sibford Folk Dance Club meets in the Village Hall every Tuesday evening from 8.00 p.m to 10.00 p.m. and we would like more of you to come along and enjoy yourselves with us. Anyone over the age of 13 years will be made very welcome.
Don’t stay away because you know nothing about it, or you are-too young or too old. If you can put one foot in front of the other, we can teach you folk dancing. Come along and try it, I promise that you will be agreeably surprised.
In September we are hoping to form a Junior section of our club. We would like lots of children and young people from 9 to 15 years inclusive to come along. We shall hold 4 meetings on September 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Please be punctual as you must leave at 8 p.m. The charge will be 10p per child per session. By September 25th we must have at least 12 wishing to continue to make the venture worthwhile. If we achieve this number we shall continue to hold the meetings every Tuesday evening.
David Cuthbert
130 years ago today
Reverend Stevens's diary for Friday 22 March 1895
The draper at Banbury brought out clothing for Town Estate Trustees distribution in the school room and the children accordingly …
The draper at Banbury brought out clothing for Town Estate Trustees distribution in the school room and the children accordingly had a holiday.
Leslie Baily recorded the letter below, which was probably pasted into the diary, possibly not on this date.
To the Trustees of the Sibford Gower Town Estates.
We shall be much obliged if you will kindly allow us the use of the schoolroom on April 24th after the children have been dismissed, for the purpose of giving a concert and dance on behalf of the Sibford Cricket Club.
We are resident rate-payers of Sibford Gower and will undertake, if you grant the use of the room, to be personally responsible for the maintenance of strict decorum on the premises and so leave clean and in good order, to close at a reasonable hour, to allow no intoxicants to be brought on the premises, and to pay to the treasurers of the Town Estates the cost of making good any damage that may be caused to the premises or their contents, except by accidental fire, during the time of their occupation by the Committee of the Sibford Cricket Club.
We also undertake that the use of the premises for school purposes shall in no way be interfered with
and are, Gentlemen
Your obedient servants
E. Jewell
Frederick Inns
To the Rev E. T. Stevens
Hon. Sec. to the Sibford Gower Charity Trustees.
Local picture of the day

View across the fields from Burdrop. Photo by Barbara Foster for the Sibfords Calendar 2023 (January).

View across the fields from Burdrop. Photo by Barbara Foster for the Sibfords Calendar 2023 (January).