Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1895, April 14, Sunday 

The Methodists seem busy here today having some local preachers about. They had a brass band parading the village this evening. It consisted of 6 trombones which made a most hideous noise, but had no following except about 6 or 8 children. I did not see any Sibford men among them.

1895, April 24, Wednesday

I wrote to the Warden of New College today asking whether the College would allow the balance of the £300 granted in January 1875 towards a new vicarage house to be expended on very necessary and moderate improvements to this house and other buildings.

1895, May 1, Wednesday

The children came round to the vicarage with their May-garlands before going to Church. Bell was not pleased with their doing so, as she was very busy with spring-cleaning going on and she had told them to come here after the service. They probably went all round Sibford Gower first so as to start for Burdrop and Sibford Ferris after coming out of Church without having to return to Sibford Gower.

1895, May 3, Friday

The children’s “May Tea” was held in the schoolroom at 4 p.m. £1.19.6. had been collected so that there was enough, after paying for the tea, to give some pence to each. There were 97 altogether.

1895, May 9, Thursday 

Mr. Long, the Baker asked me to go in as he would like to speak to me. On our going in he told us about ten times that he had made up his mind to have 50 penny loaves made for the jumble sale.

1895, May 25, Saturday

Very delightful day. “Jumble” Sale for Church repairs etc, … The amount taken at the Jumble Sale was about £20.

1895, May 30, Thursday

Cutting from the Banbury Guardian, 30 May 1895


FRIENDLY SOCIETY.—The fifty sixth anniversary of this society will be held on Monday next. The usual business meeting will be held at 9 a.m., when any new member can be admitted. The members, together with the Juvenile Branch, will attend divine service in the parish church, accompanied by the Sibford Band. After the customary dinner in the schoolroom at 1 p.m., the Band will play for dancing in the field opposite until 8.30 p.m. There will be a sale of goods on the ground, left from the recent successful jumble sale in aid of the Church Restoration Fund. The day’s proceedings will close with dances in Mr. Ainge’s large barn, after club hours.

1895, June 3, Monday


Balance Sheet for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1894

The Society has 25 Honorary Members, 82 Ordinary, and 16 Juveniles.

1895, June 23, Sunday

The “Gospel” tent is here again. It was said that three Brass Bands from Chipping Norton, Tysoe and Shutford were to parade Sibford this afternoon. There were a good many strangers about, but I did not see or hear any Band.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.