Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1895, March 16, Saturday   a

Reuben Sabin’s wife sent me a letter from Rev W Griffiths Rector of Clocaenog, Ruthin asking her to let Luther, who has been with him a year or two, stay for another year at £8. He speaks very well of the boy. I wrote a note to Mrs Sabin to say that the boy ought to stay and be thankful that he has a good place and good wages whilst so many thousands in the country have neither work to do nor food to eat. “Jane” Keene, our maidservant had a holiday to day to go to Banbury.

Visited Jane Messenger and Mr Elley. Walked round “Pig & Whistle.” Weather wonderfully mild compared with what it has been.

Henry Bishop called this evening about the Glebe land etc. We came to a preliminary understanding (1) that Miller and Abbotts should draw up the agreement. (2) that the rent for land, buildings and cottage should be £29 instead of £30 which I asked. (3) that the rent should be paid half yearly punctually on April 6 and October 11th on which condition I would return 10/- each time. (4) The stone walls to be put in sufficiently good order by Bishop himself. (5) Pigs and fowls to be kept out of my garden. He proposed his brother Charles of Tysoe Hill as his security. I said I would accept him if Miller and Abbotts were satisfied. I said he might leave the matter for the present and I would try to get “Agreement” that was made with R Gaydon. Bishop said he would ask his brother Charles.

1895, March 17, Sunday 

3rd Sunday in Lent. Delightfully mild, calm, and sunny. My lips are still swollen with cold which rather disfigures me so that I scarcely know myself “in the glass”, but I got through my duties in church this morning with greater comfort as regards the voice, – and efficiency – than I have done for some months.

I churched this afternoon George Green’s wife and Arthur Haynes’s wife.

1895, March 18, Monday

Very fine and bright. Visited school this morning and took Bank and Clothing Club money. Visited Job Harris, ill with pneumonia and Joshua Lines, recovering from lumbago. Also visited Sam Woolgrove and Mr Joseph Woolgrove.

Sophie and Maud Smith walked over from Brailes and took tea with us. Bell and I walked with them as far as the allotments on their way back.

I received a letter from Robert Braddell this morning asking my advice about the schooling of his son Robin.

Took chair at unusual general meeting of Sibford Horticultural Society at schoolroom at 7½ pm.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.