Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1895, March 2, Saturday 

Bright. Some more snow. Charles Holtham called for me to sign his pension paper. He gets nearly 10/- a week pension and probably earns 15/- more. Joseph Green Senior called and brought estimate for paving in the School house garden paths, also bill of 6/- for repairing floor of girls’ closet which I paid him.

Mr Abbatt (a retired Quaker tradesman) a very respectable man who married Miss Enock sister of the late John Enock of Sibford Gower, died late last night or early this morning. He has been ill a long time with consumption of the throat.

Visited Elizabeth Payne and did not see her as her father and mother kept me talking rather too long and I thought another day would be more suitable.

Visited Elley about doing some copying of charity returns for me.

1895, March 3, Sunday 

First Sunday in Lent. HC 15. Collections for Church Missionary Society morning 9/3, afternoon 6/1. Bright morning; snow fell in afternoon to the depth of about 3 inches. It was so intensely dark at 3 o’clock that we were obliged to have the lamps lighted. The darkness lasted from 20 to 30 minutes. I asked Mr Woolgrove into the vestry and told him I had summoned the Trustees for Tuesday March 12th.

1895, March 4, Monday

Snowstorm and sunshine by turns. Visited school and took Penny Bank and Clothing Club. Gave Mr Langley a bottle of eucalyptus oil to be put out in drops on pieces of blotting paper about the school-room every morning. Influenza is very prevalent in London and Dr Routh is said to have a few cases, but I have not heard of any in Sibford.

Jewell and Henry Bishop called about the land. The latter wants the cottage too. I said I would give the matter further consideration.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.