Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1895, February 16, Saturday 

Fine and bright but intensely cold. Visited Mary Thame at the Doctor’s, but did not go up stairs as she was much better, but has had an attack of pleurisy during the week. I saw Miss S Dix and Miss Hayward. Miss Grace was out with the doctor. Visited Job Harris, Thomas Keen and Richard Haynes whose daughter Myra is servant at the Doctor’s, but is at home ill. I hear that Joshua Lines has been bad with lumbago but gets about. I had not time to call to see him. Called on Charles Barnes to speak about the warming the church. He was going to light the underground stove this evening as he did last Saturday. I also visited the Goughs.

Our WC apparatus and our pump are rendered useless by the continued frost.

1895, February 17, Sunday 

Sexagesima Sunday. Mary Sabin age 88 or 89, was buried in the Quakers’ ground this morning.

The church was full of smoke this afternoon. Rosa and I called on Miss S Dix. It was a very dull day, seeming to portent more snow, and the congregations were very small.

1895, February 18, Monday  a

Dull. Thaw. Inns called about spouting and WC. Langley called about Penny Bank prizes for regular attendance. I visited Sarah Hone, Thomas Henry Hone, Thomas Green, Widow Wyatt, John Lamb (out), Widow Hancox (out), John West Junior. A pretty general thaw has commenced and the atmosphere is intensely cold.

Mr Langley came down again this evening at my request about the premiums to school children for regularity of attendance during 1894. We agreed that no child should be considered at all “regular” who was absent more than once a week on the average during the year, in other words 90 per cent of attendances must be made and thus 1d for every 5 absences should be deducted from the maximum premium of 2/6.

Ezra Green called and asked me to fill up a form of application for outdoor relief whilst the frost lasts. Jewell wrote again about the land. Henry Bishop came and I paid him for 2 tons coal for school, by cheque.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.