Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1895, February 8, Friday 

Bright sun, but still intensely cold. Received letter from Mr Stone of Banbury asking me to have “County Council Lectures” on Gardening in schoolroom early in March.

I am having very sleepless nights, rarely getting to sleep till 4 or 5 am. Last night I felt the cold more than ever before. I took some small doses of Bromide of Potassium.

1895, February 9, Saturday

Bright, but east wind and intensely cold. Thermometer in my bedroom where there was a fire 33° only. I did not go out. Harry and his wife were to go down to Windermere today.

1895, February 10, Sunday

Bright but very cold E wind like a blizzard. About 70 persons present in church this morning and 90 this afternoon. Rosa and I called on Miss Sarah Dix on our way home from church this afternoon. I got through my duties fairly well, but it was extremely cold at my end of the church.

1895, February 11, Monday   a

Stevens mistakenly dated this entry for the 10th, though he named the day correctly as Monday.

I renewed my cold yesterday and to get rid of it lay in bed till tea time.

Lewis Poulton called at my request. I paid him his account for last year. He took £1.9s instead of £1.11.1 and I retained the hurdles. I spoke to him about the proposed lectures on gardening, and he said he would summon the Flower Show Committee. I gave him the papers.

Rosa heard from Bell this morning and from Louie on Saturday. They have brought Percy from the Grosvenor Hotel, Victoria, where he has been ill for four or five months at a cost of something like £25 a week. He is now with his mother at Hawtree. Bell left there on Thursday last and is now staying with Mrs Lindsay Page at Chislehurst. She is to go to Mrs Morgan’s at White House Honour-Oak park on Tuesday.

Poulton told me that the Parish Council had applied to the Charity Commissioners for permission to appoint 9 additional Trustees of the Sibford Charities.

I received School Grant Annual Fee, amounting to £90.3.6 from Education Department and sent it on to London and County Bank, Banbury.

A cutting of “BIRTHS” from the “Times”, 11 February 1895, is pasted into the diary. One entry has been marked in the margin: “On the 8th Feb., at Tunford, West Dulwich, the wife of J. H. WETENHALL, of a son.” The “wife” is presumably Katie Wetenhall, née Mountain, who Rosa Stevens visited in June 1894. Katie’s parents held a low opinion of Mr Wetenhall eight years earlier when he first approached them for her hand in marriage; see entries for 8/9 July 1886.

Click on an entry date to view an image of the original diary page.

Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.