1895, January 14, Monday
In bed till tea-time. Thaw. Some rain.
In bed till tea-time. Thaw. Some rain.
In bed till dinner time. Lively has cut and laid the long hedge in the garden. John Inns who had received permission to use the schoolroom for a “Reading Room” dinner on Friday night next, called to ask whether I would object to their having beer at dinner. I said I did not object, if there was entire good order.
Got up about 3 pm. My cold is gradually getting better but was worse last night and this morning. Thaw, sunshine and rain. Frank drove Rosa to Bloxham to lunch with Mrs Kershaw. Jesse Bishop called this evening about his old grievance and was so abusive that I ordered him out of the house. D Hones’ wife sent a note asking for children’s school attendance premiums. I sent her 5/6 for the three.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.