Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, December 16, Sunday 

iii Sunday in Advent. There was rain during last night, but it was dry to day, though the sky looked threatening this afternoon. The weather is wonderfully mild for the season. No snow has fallen here yet and scarcely any frost has come. I taught Sunday School class this morning and attended choir practice this evening. 20 children were present.

1894, December 17, Monday 

Rain, slight, all day, Temperature mild. The first meeting of the Parish Council was held in the western portion of the school-room this evening at 7.30, and closed at a few minutes before 10. Rosa is suffering from what I think is a slight attack of indigestion. She took Clothing Club and Penny Bank for me today. Received second letter from Rev W H Laughorne, English Lodge, Coblenz.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.