Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, November 2, Friday 

Very mild. A good deal of sunshine. Bessie left by 3.50 pm train from Hook Norton. I drove her and Bell. The roads were extremely heavy with mud and I feared we should miss the train in consequence. But we just caught it. Sent Laura Burton’s B S Book and our Sibford Penny Bank Book to Mr Bliss to transfer 8/- and enclosed 2d in stamps for their return.

1894, November 3, Saturday

Harry wrote to his mother and told that she must not be surprised to hear of his being married very shortly. I told him in a letter I wrote this afternoon that I hoped he would not think of taking such a step till he had paid his debts and could afford to keep a wife.

I visited Anna Young and Jane Messenger and took them some mutton. It has been showery and windy all day, with a few bits of sunshine occasionally.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.