Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, September 28, Friday   a

Got shaved by a French Barber in Market Street. He was delighted when, in reply to his question, I replied that I had been to Paris and knew a little French, etc. He had been in England only seven months, he said. But as far as I could judge, he had picked up the language very well. He did not learn English as a school-boy.

Spent some time in the Union reading Montfaucon’s Antiquities. Walked out to Canterbury Road. Called on Rev F A and Mrs Wilson at “Park Dene” saw them and Kate. They have a nice house, for which they pay £150 rent. They found Eastbourne too cold and too expensive. Met Mr Bliss, vicar of Kennington, and condoled with him on the loss of his wife. I fell on the stairs in Jesus College this evening by catching the toe of my boot in the “nose” of the tread. I hurt my knee. I never felt the need of a stair carpet before Dined in Hall at 7 as before. “Responsions” are over. Received a letter from Harry who is at Sibford and offers to take my duty next Sunday. But I replied that I would return tomorrow, as i could not stay away longer at the present time. Called at Christ Church about my lost umbrella, but could hear nothing of it. York-Powell was “down.” Cashed cheque “Self” for £3 at the Bank. There was a little rain at night.

1894, September 29, Saturday 

Fine. After breakfast with Hughes, I bade him goodbye. Went to the Union and read about Theodora and Marozia in the French Dic. Universelle Biographie and about “Deus Redicolus” in Mommsen. The Bishop was there reading the morning paper. Left Oxford by 2.9 pm train. Arrived at Banbury 2.48. Blythman and Boissier were there. Harry met me, having left “Ruby” at Red Lion as requested. He drove me out and Ruby went extremely well. Reached home about 4.30. Eliza Webb from “Pig & Whistle” called with notice of Banns of marriage of herself and a young man, James Claridge, of New Maldon, Surrey. She also brought me a copy of a “will” which Jane Messenger had caused to be written ??about?? the disposal of her furniture etc after her death. I said I would call and see Jane Messenger about the matter.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.