Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, July 20, Friday 

Fine. Visited school. Mrs Langley told me that Mrs Ainge replied very brusquely to Mr Langley when he spoke about the boy’s absence from School that she “should not” send him. Drove Rosa and Miss Sotteck to Banbury, shopping.

1894, July 21, Saturday 

Dull, but warm. Visited Mrs Wise at Sibford Ferris and expressed my sympathy with her and husband on the loss of their infant. Spoke to William Harris, who was in his garden, a wreck of a man. I had not seen himself since I married Polly Hiorns to Leslie Harris who is one of his nephews. Visited Thomas Keen and his wife. Walked round Sibford Ferris and the Elm and Alcock’s Lane with Miss Sotteck this evening.

1894, July 22, Sunday

ix Trinity. Warm. Boy Hyde had leave of absence to go to Bloxham. Visited Miss Dix. Harry Manning and his sister Ada are here to see their sister Florence who is a trifle better. Much rain at night. Taught in Boys’ School. Gave Government Circular about Epidemic from Education Department to Langley.

1894, July 23, Monday   g

Rain. Arthur Alder, late groom and Coachman to Dr Wilkinson called to ask whether I had heard of a situation for him. He has had nothing regularly to do since Dr W died. I advertised in “Church Times” for him. Walked round Pig & Whistle and Pound Lane this evening with Miss Sotteck, rather rainy, but little fell.

1894, July 24, Tuesday 

Wrote about three “Exchanges”. Sent Marriage Certificate to Marion Shelswell at her request. She is trying to get her son into the British Orphan Asylum at Slough. Called on Mrs Ainge, Miss Dix and Mrs Elly. Mr Elly is at Brighton.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.