Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, July 2, Monday   b

A regular July day. Rosa took Clothing Club etc for me. Received order for 50 A.C.S. Hecuba, 5/- from Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Frank sent me two advertisements for university tuition. I wrote to both and to him. Wrote to Wingate. Mr Cluff called and said that the three months for which he had engaged to take the library was up, but he would be glad to continue as Librarian. I thanked him and accepted his offer.

Cyclostyled notice pasted into diary:

All persons who wish to receive the Magazine next month, but have not yet paid for July, August and September, are requested to send three-pence and any arrears that may be owing, to the Vicar at the schoolroom at Noon on Monday, or which would cause least trouble, six-pence for the six months ending with December.

It is absolutely necessary that the vicar should know beforehand how many copies will be required, in order that he may order the proper number from the Printer.

The names of new subscribers will be received at the school room on Monday.

1894, July 3, Tuesday  a

James Lines’s wife came and asked for her Clothing Club money 4/9 which I paid her. She said she was going to bring home her child George from her mother’s at Portsmouth, where he had been on a long visit.

I buried the remains of Mrs Fanny Shelswell at 5.30 this afternoon. We had a choral funeral. Five boys and two men in surplices. Psalm XXXIX was chanted. After the lesson Hymn 400 and proceeding to the grave, Nunc Dimittis. At the grave side Hymn 329(?). The chief mourners were Oscar and his sister Marion, Harry and Mrs John Shelswell, Milburn and Bessie, Arthur and Ida, Mr Berridge and Miss E Shelswell, Mr J Ward Shellswell and his sister. All the leading people of Sibford were there. The singing went very well. In the evening I took Kitty Rogers and Miss Sotteck for a walk to Beggar’s ditch, the Heath and Pound Lane. Mr Ramsay sent me cheque for one guinea for taking a service at Swalcliffe during the vacancy of the Benefice.

1894, July 4, Wednesday 

A delightful and warm day, Miss Sotteck hired Sep Harris and wagonette to drive to Stratford and took Kitty Rogers and Mrs Stevens with her. I went at her urgent request. We started at 9.30 am, reached Stratford at 12.30. Left Stratford at 5.30, reached home at about 8.30. We lost our silk carriage rug along the road.

1894, July 5, Thursday

Bright and hot with a delightful breeze. Took Miss Sotteck, Kitty Rogers and Rosa to Edgehill for a drive this morning. Ruby looked and went very well. We got home at about 3.00 pm. My hay was cut this morning. Signed Mr and Mrs Elley’s Post Office Annuity papers. Mrs Fox called for Certificate of Marriage of her sister with David Hunter, July 1858.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.