Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, June 29, Friday 

St Peter’s day. Warm and bright. Divine Service at 9.15. Visited school and taught. Mr Langley asked me to ask Doctor Francy to allow Henry Tarver’s children to return to school as the man is well and at work. I therefore wrote to Doctor Francy as requested. Drove Rosa and Kitty Rogers to Miss Dix’s is at Swalcliffe, to tea and to attend the Dedication service at the Church this evening. Harry Hone held my mare whilst I went in for a few minutes only. Misses S and E Dix and Mary Thame were there and kindly pressed me to stay to tea and Church service, but as I was expected at home and had writing to do I returned. Miss Sotteck had been invited and so had Bell, but the former was poorly and could not go and Bell remained at home with her.

1894, June 30, Saturday 

A fine hot day. Mrs Henry (Fanny) Shellswell died at 7 am after a long and painful illness. I called and saw Mrs John and Marion this evening. Married Hugh Albert Hall and Ellen Mary Whitfield at 10.30. Visited Fred Ward’s wife, John Scruby and wife, Anna Young, Anna Aris, Jane Messenger and Mrs Alcock. Buried Richard Harris, age 14, from Banbury Workhouse, at 3 pm. Mr Ramsay called this afternoon and spoke about Miss Kensband and who still keeps a dog or dogs about the schoolroom. Bell had invited Mr Ramsay to lunch next Wednesday. He cannot come, as he is going to London. Mrs Shellswell’s funeral is fixed for 5.30 pm, next Tuesday. Sarah Sabin was yesterday delivered of a girl, within less than 24 hours of her arrival at the workhouse.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.