Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, June 22, Friday 

Cloudy but mild. Visited Mr Woolgrove, Widow Reason, R H Lamb, Henry Tarver, Widow Hathaway. Long. Spoke wth Mr R H Lamb about the proposed technical lectures of the Oxfordshire County Council, and with Mr Woolgrove about painting the church gate etc, of which he approved. Took Kitty and Miss Sottick for a walk after supper nearly into Epwell village.

At 2.30 this afternoon, I buried Widow Hannah Bishop of Sibford Gower, aged 82. She formerly kept the “Wykham Arms” Inn.

1894, June 24, Sunday

5th Trinity. St John Baptist day. Miss Sottick’s Birthday. I have a cold on the chest and am very hoarse. Mrs Fred Milburn and Marion Shelswell were at church. Their mother is somewhat better.

1894, June 25, Monday   a

Dull, but warm and dry. Very hoarse with cough. Wrote to Rev F Kendall, Vicarage Great Tew, saying I feared I should be unable to attend meeting of B.C.S. at his home next Wednesday.

Took Kitty Rogers and Miss Sottick for a walk this evening to Colony and John Barnes’s. We saw him in the road with Mrs Isaac Padbury with whom he had been spending the day. He asked us to go and see his flowers which we did. His daughter Amelia was at home and was much pleased to see us. We waited till her father arrived and after a quarter of an hour’s talk we left, walked through Temple Mill when I saw and spoke to Mrs Daniel Sabin. We went on through Woodway Farm to Sibford Ferris and home across the fields.

Mrs Harriet Sabin wished to speak with me. She wanted my advice and to give her a letter to get her daughter Sarah into the workhouse as she had come home from a situation which she had only 3 weeks, far gone in the family way. She has been a very bad girl to her mother. The evil occurred when she was in service at Tadmarton Rectory. The man is one of the Greens of Swalcliffe who has since enlisted as a soldier. I told the mother she had better ask the doctor (Routh) if he could give her an order for the workhouse. The poor woman was in great trouble. She is perfectly unable to keep her andprovide for her confinement. I told her the girl (she is 25 years old) should have gone to the workhouse on Saturday by the carrier, or today.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.