Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, June 13, Wednesday 

Very dark and cloudy this morning with some rain. Cleared up in afternoon. Called on Mrs Shellswell, Ben Messenger. He and his wife complained bitterly of the condition of the woman Neal, a widow, whom their son Joseph keeps at John Lines’s and by whom he has three children. She was “like a mad ‘ooman’ said Ben, cos our Ben put her out o’ our garding and ‘oon’t let her take our faggots away.”

I called at Barton’s to see the mother of the girl Susan who is back with John Lines again. Visited Mary Sabin, Charles Holtom’s wife, and John Webb’s.

Bell, Miss Sottick and I walked round Sibford Ferris, the Elm and Alcocks Lane this evening. Addie Lamb came for poor Rate. Visited Widow John Holtom and William Hawtin.

1894, June 14, Thursday

Fine. Harry writes that he thought Cheney’s Bill had been paid. Cheneys write politely to me, that they will be very glad to stay the action if the money £1. 7. 6 be paid before the 30th inst.

George Beere wrote me a note asking for a trifle towards his expenses of getting his eyesight restored at Oxford Eye Infirmary. He has been almost totally blind for two or three years, but is better owing to the treatment undergone. Miss Dix gave Rosa 1/- for him. I added 1/- and took Bell and Miss Sottick to Tadmarton to give it to him this evening. He was very grateful.

1894, June 15, Friday 

Wrote to Swan Sonnenschein & Co asking for account of sales of “The Teaching of the Prayer Book” since date of last Balance Sheet supplied to me several years ago.

Walked to Heath and home by “Pig & Whistle” with Miss Sottick this evening and got caught in heavy rain.

1894, June 16, Saturday 

Fine. Took Miss Sottick up lane to Beggar’s Ditch, down to Traitor’s Ford and home through Sibford Ferris. Met Mr and Mrs Marshall.

1894, June 17, Sunday

4th after Trinity. Fine on the whole, but heavy rain from 3 – 4. Visited and taught Boys School this morn.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.