Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, June 1, Friday 

Dull. Visited School. Told children they would have Monday and Tuesday as a holiday, but as the school had been closed so long, the usual Club week holiday could not be given. Charles Holtom and James Dyer called for me to sign their soldier pension papers. I visited Miss Dix (out) Jane Messenger (Mrs W Webb of Pig & Whistle) was there and visited Mrs Alcock. Sent out nearly all the Magazines by the school children.

1894, June 2, Saturday 

Drove Bell to Banbury this morning. It was showery before we started, but we did not get wet. The mare took a long time to go in as the roads were very heavy and she had been on the grass. We brought Rosa out from London after her visit to Katie Wetenhall. Ruby came out very well. We met Mrs Routh in Banbury. She had lost Thomas Webb’s wagonette, by which she had gone in, but I had not room to offer her a seat. I think she afterwards found the wagonette, as we did not pass it on the road.

Mary Thame gave me a note from Mr Ramsay as I passed through Swalcliffe. I afterwards saw him in the road. John Lively called and I asked him to drive me to Banbury on Tuesday morning.

1894, June 4, Monday

Club day. Showery, but cleared up towards afternoon. Rev Norman R Ramsay preached, driven over by Mr Harry Norris, who put up his horse and dog-cart at Mrs Isaac Padbury’s. There was a good congregation of men, but not quite so many women as usual. Ramsay and Norris came in after Service for a few moments. Mr Ramsay became an honorary member after the dinner. Hy Norris was extremely pleasant, taking his father’s place. Harry ES telegraphed that he would be here. So he came about 5pm via Hook Norton. He and I called on Miss Dix. Mrs Turner and her niece Miss Colegrave were there.

Mr Ramsay told me that at the celebration of HC at Swalcliffe yesterday he “passed over” a man named Cotes because he had been living in fornication with his niece whom he wished to marry in Dr Wilkinson’s time. The latter told me of it. A child was born a day or two ago. Ramsay had spoken to Cotes previously. He asked me my advice. I told him he had done the right thing, and that now he must inform the Bishop.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.