Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, May 20, Sunday 

Trinity. HC at noon. 15 communicants. Offertory for Diocesan Spiritual Aid Society Bishop’s Letter. Visited the Mrs Shelswell. Saw Mrs Henry Shelswell in her bedroom, but she was not up and walking about. Marion was there. Taught in Boys’ School.

1894, May 21, Monday

Fine but cold. Visited school. Took Clothing Club and Penny Bank. Used Sanitas ??? for June No of Magazine. Mr Cluff took Library this evening. I did some gardening and writing.

1894, May 22, Tuesday 

Fine but cold. The nights are frosty. My potatoes were caught on Sunday night and in many instances the tops are quite black. I ordered coals of Hawkes of Stow. Helped in garden and finished 33 sheets of “From Genoa to Nice along the Western Riviera.”

1894, May 23, Wednesday

Showery. Attended B.C.S. meeting at Mr Gepp’s, Old Manor House Adderbury West. Mr Ramsay accompanied me. Mr Gepp has let his Vicarage for a time. In the dining room of the old manor house there was an old chimney corner etc with a sentence painted in Hebrew characters in the centre and furious nondescripts on either side. The sentence was


I gave Mr Gepp my annual subscription £1 1s. to the Clergy Widow and Orphans fund. Mr Goodwin took my bridle and left me his. My boy Hyde discovered the mistake as soon as I brought the mare in. Visited Misses Dix.

1894, May 24, Thursday   a

Cold. A ton of coals brought from Hawkes & Son. Poulton renewing skirting on east side of drawing room. Joseph Green doing repairs to tiles on SW corner of Vicarage roof. Miss Dix sent me 13/10 Clothing Club money which she had taken while school was closed. Busy writing sermon on Psalm CViii.1 to preach at the Christ Church Worthington on June 6th.

Cutting from Banbury Advertiser, 24 May 1894



Dear Sir,—Your columns are very generously given for the publicity of any matter of public importance. The Reading Room so successfully started in this village with public subscriptions recently is now determined to launch out in a somewhat new scheme. A notice has ben posted announcing that the room will be open on Sunday morning to all male persons over 16 years of age. What services (whether religious, political, or social) will be conducted is not stated ; it is hoped that the bagatelle board and cards belonging to the society may be allowed their Sunday rest. Much regret is expressed that the committee (if they are responsible for the opening) should sanction such a proposal. Hitherto the Reading Room has been a success. This new departure will not add to its future welfare. Thanking you for insertion,

I am, yours truly,


1894, May 25, Friday

Fine. Warmer. Visited School. Inspected Spinney at Heath Farm. An immense number of larch has been cut for mounding. Much brushwood there, not good enough to pay for cartage.

W Lamb’s chimney caught fire this evening and caused much smoke and excitement.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.