Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, May 9, Wednesday   a

Rain nearly all day. Rev Edward H Garrard, Rector of Marston Sicca, returned me his notice and “Declaration” not completed, as he thought the “Order” was intended to be “on view” in his parish and not in Sibford Gower only as the notices filled in by the Commissioners seems to imply. I sent him a postcard of acknowledgement but did not go into the question he mooted. Said I would write again.

Lewis Poulton wrote asking for use of schoolroom for a dance on Club night. I said they might have it if they complied with the usual conditions, but suggested, as it seemed to me not a good night, that they should select another.

Visited Miss Dix and Mary Sabin, also school, Ezra Green was at work. Sent Mr Langley the Stamped “Orders” of Charity Commissioners for public Inspection. He is to retain them till May 22. No one has yet asked to be allowed to inspect any “Orders” deposited at the school.

1894, May 10, Thursday 

Somewhat showery. Drove to Banbury and took duty as Manager of Savings Bank from 11.00 to 2.30. Introduced myself to Mr Ramsay the new Vicar of Swalcliffe who was pointed out to me at the gate of the Red Lion. He told me he was staying for the present at Major Norris’s Swalcliffe Park and that he was to be inducted next Saturday by Rev H Gepp Vicar of Adderbury whom ke knew, as Dr Wood was unable to come.

The mare had either bitten or rubbed her knees and fore hocks during the night and they looked so bad that I got the ostler of the Red Lion to put wet bandages on and she came out in them. She went extremely well, both going and returning. I got some lotion for her knees at Bartlett’s the Chemist, used at Newmarket and highly recommended.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.