Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1890, March 11, Tuesday 

Speaking for myself alone, I told Mr Lamb that I should welcome him as a trustee at the proper time if the Church of England character of the School could be bona fide maintained. I did not fear that he would try to upset it, but others, if Nonconformists, were appointed might desire to do so if appointed.

1890, March 12, Wednesday

I spent a long time examining Town Estate Deeds for information about 6 separate closes of land which are mentioned in the “Award of the Parish” and subsequent documents down to 1828, but which now appear to have been lost. I commenced the enquiry 10 years ago but dropped it as it appeared to be useless work.

1890, March 24, Monday

Joshua Holtom’s wife called and asked me if I could get her girl Alice a situation. She is only 13. I reproved her for taking the child away from school a year or more ago and letting her get into idle ways, and told her that if I got her a situation it would be with church people, as I did not know any others.

1890, March 26, Wednesday

Fine. Drove Bell round White-house and Epwell. The stones on the road broke one of the springs of my carriage.

1890, April 4, Friday 

Good Friday. Methodists’ Tea Party. A whole “break” full of people, most of whom were speakers, came from Chipping Norton.

1890, April 8, Tuesday 

Easter Week. Received from Longmans a notice that as the “Scripture Facts” had ceased to sell, they proposed to convert the remaining copies into waste paper. They offered to present me with half a dozen copies if I wished to possess them. I accepted their offer.

1890, April 15, Tuesday

Mr Edmunds, Agent to Mr Wynne, gave a magic lantern lecture in the School-room this evening, which he called “Scenes in the life of the Queen”, but the views were mostly the same as those he exhibited last year. He read “Jane Conquest”, “The soldier’s Dream” and “The Charge of the Light Brigade”. The room was pretty full. I took the chair.

1890, April 26, Saturday

Visited Elizabeth Manning and took some mutton for her two girls Ada and Florence, both of whom are very delicate. When I went in yesterday they had only cabbage and bread for dinner.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.