Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1890, March 7, Friday 

About 7 p.m. a note came from Mr R. Lamb asking whether I would let him see the “Award of the Parish of Sibford Gower” at 8 o’clock, as he was desirous of consulting it. I replied that I should be at home and he could see it. He came at 8 o’clock and brought Mr. Oddie with him to read it for him. I let him have the “Award” and every old lease and document I had belonging to the Trustees as a mere matter of courtesy. His main object was to find out whether any Quakers had ever been Trustees. I do not think he found any except perhaps Michael Pettipher, who said he was a Quaker.

Mr. Oddie said he did not take a particle of interest in the matter.

They did not leave till 11 o’clock or later.

1890, March 11, Tuesday

Speaking for myself alone, I told Mr Lamb that I should welcome him as a trustee at the proper time if the Church of England character of the School could be bona fide maintained. I did not fear that he would try to upset it, but others, if Nonconformists, were appointed might desire to do so if appointed.

1890, March 12, Wednesday

I spent a long time examining Town Estate Deeds for information about 6 separate closes of land which are mentioned in the “Award of the Parish” and subsequent documents down to 1828, but which now appear to have been lost. I commenced the enquiry 10 years ago but dropped it as it appeared to be useless work.

1890, March 24, Monday

Joshua Holtom’s wife called and asked me if I could get her girl Alice a situation. She is only 13. I reproved her for taking the child away from school a year or more ago and letting her get into idle ways, and told her that if I got her a situation it would be with church people, as I did not know any others.

1890, March 26, Wednesday

Fine. Drove Bell round White-house and Epwell. The stones on the road broke one of the springs of my carriage.

1890, April 4, Friday 

Good Friday. Methodists’ Tea Party. A whole “break” full of people, most of whom were speakers, came from Chipping Norton.

1890, April 8, Tuesday 

Easter Week. Received from Longmans a notice that as the “Scripture Facts” had ceased to sell, they proposed to convert the remaining copies into waste paper. They offered to present me with half a dozen copies if I wished to possess them. I accepted their offer.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.