1886, November 21, Sunday
Taught in Boys’ School this morning.
Emma Lines brought a note from Louisa Lines asking me to visit Sarah (“Sally”) Lines, her mother in law, which I did this evening. The old woman is very ill. She wanted me to witness her signature, or rather mark, to an order to withdraw her money from Banbury Savings Bank and to empower her daughter, Mrs Widdows, to receive it. The old woman when young had a very indifferent reputation and had several bastard children. She then “married” James Lines, her own nephew, who died a year or two ago from the kick of a horse belonging to Richard Lamb which he was driving when the worse for drink.
The old woman seemed very penitent this evening and very thankful to me for going to pray with her. She wished very much to receive the Holy Communion but was afraid I would refuse it to her. Barber Haynes’s wife is nursing her.