1886, July 15, Thursday
Buried the remains of Rev Edmund James Smith, M.A. late Fellow of Worcester College Oxford and Rector of Tadmarton, at 1 pm. Mr Wyatt, Mr Egerton, Mr Macdermot and many parishioners were there. Gave Mr Wyatt a lift as far as his own house, as I drove on to Banbury after the funeral. Brought out Lottie Eve.
Mr Wyatt requested me to write an obituary notice of the late Canon E. Payne for the “Guardian”. I had suggested to Mrs Wyatt that some one of the neighbourhood should do it, and I thought her husband, as having known him for more years than I would be more suitable than myself. But it appears that practically, he had not known him longer than I, and not more intimately, and was not so well acquainted with the work he had done for the Church as myself.