Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1886, April 28, Wednesday

Administered Communion of the Sick to Hannah Simmons at Sibford Ferris. There communicated with her her daughter-in-law from Swalcliffe, and John Reason and his wife.

Administered Sick Communion this afternoon to Mrs Dix. There communicated with her Miss Dix, and Mrs Austin.

Also administered Communion of the Sick to Widow Mary Sabin. Widow Fanny Wyatt communicated with her.

Visited School of art at Sibford Ferris, being one of the committee.

It was intensely hot this morning, but about 11.45 whilst I was at Hannah Simmons’s the temperature fell, and an intensely cold wind arose.

Mr Davies, who is staying with us for a few days went to Swalcliffe to luncheon, and returned to tea.

1886, April 29, Thursday 

Mr Davies left this morning, going to Banbury by Gardner.

I attended Four Shires Annual Meeting at Tredington Rectory. I had a cold drive and rain threatened, but did not fall. Reached home at about 8.

1886, April 30, Friday

Very fine day, but somewhat cold.

Rev Mr Merrit White, assistant curate of Swalcliffe with his wife, servant and baby called this afternoon.

1886, May 1, Saturday

Drove to Banbury and brought out Ethel Hole.

Service 9.15 am.

Children came round with May Garland but were not at church.

Sibford Brass Band played on my lawn this evening.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.