1885, November 30, Monday
St Andrew. Divine Service at 9.15.
J. Lamb called for Sibford Ferris poor rate.
Visited Sibford Ferris allotments. Called on Mr Woolgrove.
Mr Wynne, the Conservative Candidate, addressed the electors in the School room this evening. I took the chair. W. H. Harris (“Beardy Will”) of Sibford Ferris who was rather the worse for drink somewhat interrupted the speaker with ejaculations and remarks and there were some navvies from Hook Norton who tried to annoy him, but he took it all very good humouredly and the meeting passed off without any disorder. Mr Wynne came down here to supper, with Mr Davies, after the meeting.
I sold 7 pots of Blenheim apples today to a dealer from Milcombe at 5/- per pot.