Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1885, September 24, Thursday

Harry sent two cases of pictures and rubbish from Barnstaple which have been at Cave’s at Banbury for some time. I sent for them today and had to pay 15/6 for them; viz:

carriage from Barnstaple    9. 6
Storage    4. 6
Bishop cartage    1. 6
   15. 6


Drove Bell and Mrs Davies to Wigginton Rectory – no one at home.

Miss Knight, Miss Shelswell and Henry Shelswell were here to tea.

William Henry Norris sent me a brace of partridges. I sent one brace to Mr Mountain and one to Aunt Emma.

1885, September 25, Friday

Robert Austin called; and in answer to his request I gave him permission to cut 20 dead and poor larch out of the Spinney to repair his mounds; and to take the hard wood lying by the hedges and cut last spring for the purpose if needed.

Visited Charles Legge. Bell and I visited Mr and Mrs Morris who were not at home, but we saw her daughter, Louisa Harris. We visited the Misses Lamb.

1885, September 27, Sunday 

Harvest Thanksgiving services –
Holy Communion at 8 am
Morning Prayer with sermon and H.C. at 10.30 am.
Evening Prayer with sermon at 3 pm.
Evening Prayer at 6.30 with sermon by Mr Davies.

The church was extremely well decorated and lighted and crowded with people but I was taken unwell and had to ask Mr Davies to finish the prayers. I returned for his sermon.

The collections amounted to £6.8.3.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.