Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1885, August 8, Saturday 

Received ½lb. box of very new cigars per parcels post from Cardiff with J. J. M’s compliments. I afterwards found that  J. J. M is Julius Mann, Mr M’s elder son who is an engineer on board a coal ship.

Bonner called. Said Schoolmistress was about to leave Epwell.

Dixit etiam Willium curatum provocasse quendam e suis parochialibus secum pugnare in aperta via ob aliquid factum eius pueris ad scholam.

He also said that Willy the Curate had challenged one of his parishioners to fight with him in the open street on account of something done by his boys at school.

1885, August 10, Monday

Received from Simpkin Marshall & Co cheque for £35.6.10 for sales of Analytical Classical Series during past half year. The amount is much smaller than usual, as we have done no advertising on acount of excessive delay in bringing out the New Series of Latin English, and Greek English Classics of which we wished to advertise with the others. Hughes and Butler & Tanner blame each other apparently.

Dr Wood, Rural Dean of Cuddesdon Deanery and his daughter came from Cropredy.

I drove Bell out, intending to go to Banbury, but when we got to Tadmarton the threatening aspect of the sky compelled us to return.

Harry and Arthur Shelswell were here to tea.

Robert Austin called about pump at farm, which is out of repair. I gave him a note for Fox, requesting him to do what was necessary.

1885, August 11, Tuesday 

Drove to Banbury, Bell with me.

Bought picture prizes for Sunday School.

Bell and I called on Mrs Davies at Swalcliffe Vicarage. Mr Davies away in London.

1885, August 12, Wednesday


Sent £2.12.6 to R.A.B.I. total amount of collections in Church and afterwards.

Richard Walker, Blacksmith of Sibford Ferris sent the boy Jarvis to ask for an allotment.

C. Legge’s wife called. Said she suffered very much from his bad temper.

1885, August 13, Thursday

Sent Hughes “copy” for Index to Proper Names in Analytics for Greek English Series. Also a copy of Alcestis in A.C.S.

Attended School Attendance Committee at Banbury.

Visited Miss Dix and Charles Legge. The latter was down stairs. I spoke to him of patience under affliction and gratitude to the persons who had done their best for him.

Mrs and Miss Cochrane, from Hook Norton were here to tea.

Mr Davies came in the evening.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.