Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1885, March 18, Wednesday 

Very cold wind.

Drive Bell and Frank to Hook Norton.

Called on Mr. Cox and Miss Godson, neither at home. On our return we called on the Pettiphers. Mrs P. senior was very gracious.

Divine Service at 7 pm.

Sent prospectus of “See and Say” a new English Primer to Longmans. They replied that they would be glad to see the manuscript. But they returned it in a few days accompanied by a copy of a letter from a gentleman who is preparing a new series of Reading Books for them to the effect that the Primer he was preparing was constructed on similar lines, and declining to publish mine. I had asked for a sum of money for part copyright, to be debited to the Book.

1885, March 20, Friday

Called on Canon Payne who has not left his bed since last Friday, but is somewhat better today.

Visited Jane Legge and Thomas Green.

John Holtom paid me his allotment rent for 3 years to Michaelmas next.

Wrote to Thomas Brown Solicitor and to Harry about the latter’s liabilities as he cannot possibly pay his debts out of his income and live on the balance – and I have paid them so many times that it has done a great deal towards impoverishing me. He is constantly getting county court summonses and appealing to me at the last extremity when the law charges have to be paid as well as the debt.

Visited Sibford Ferris allotments.

Henry Meadows, of Epwell, formerly of Sibford called about a letter he had received from the War Office concerning his late brother George. I wrote a reply for him.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.