1884, December 21, Sunday
Mr Wingate preached for me and said the lessons both morning and afternoon. He went to see Mrs Shelswell after Church.
Mr Wingate preached for me and said the lessons both morning and afternoon. He went to see Mrs Shelswell after Church.
Wingate and I called on the Misses Dix this morning.
Alec Willy came to tea with Harry.
Mr Wingate left. I drove him to Banbury en route to Leamington, where he intends making enquiries for people he knew when he had a tutorship in a School there before he took his degree.
Called on Dr Routh this evening. He told me of the condition of things at Epwell Curatage – saying that Mrs Willy had “sunk lower” than any woman of education he had ever known.
Jesse Bishop called this evening and paid his rent. Robert Austin called on Saturday and paid his. Elijah Hancox sent me a note apologising for not being quite ready with his.
Received notice of Government Inspector’s visit on 19th January.
Visited School and taught, both morning and afternoon.
Received Cyclostyle from London for which, complete apparatus, I paid £1.11.6 and 1/2 for carriage. A ream of foolscap paper to print on cost me 9/- at Hartley’s.
Visited Thomas Adkins, Sarah Hone and David, Thomas Henry Hone, John West, Fanny Wyatt, John Horsman, Jane Legge, Thomas Green, Widow Hancox, Mary Hone.
Stevens has repeated the Cyclostyle note that he made on the 16th. The 16th is presumably the correct date, evidenced by the example notice pasted in the diary then.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.