1883, July 5, Thursday
Thomas Webb, formerly postman here took to John Harris’s Carrying business today. The latter has been almost constantly getting drunk and neglecting his business for a long time.
Thomas Webb, formerly postman here took to John Harris’s Carrying business today. The latter has been almost constantly getting drunk and neglecting his business for a long time.
…. Met Charles Lines who has just lost a horse from heart disease. I gave him a sovereign on Mr. Woolgrove’s recommendation from the Town Estate funds.
Mr. Bonner Relieving Officer and School attendance officer called and said he had communicated with Miss Shimmell respecting her “dame school”. She has closed for 3 months as some of the parents objected to pay for the half quarter and consequently would not send their children at all. She thought it not worth while to keep open for the rest and consequently the children are running about the roads, where they ought to be at School.
… Word was brought to me by Mr. Enock’s daughter that a woman was dying in the road near her mother’s house. I went and found an Irish tramp with his wife who had fainted partly from hunger and partly from fatigue. Mrs. Enock was trying to revive her with some tea – but apparently without avail. I had a flask of brandy in my pocket and gave the poor woman a teaspoonful which soon revived her. The man was a bricklayer’s labourer “in search of employment” so he said, but they looked very like professional tramps. She was quite unable to get farther so I induced Mrs. Bishop of the Wykham arms to let them lie in her cart-shed for the night, and to provide them with food. …..
The Irishman and his wife left. He called to thank me, having been moved thereto by the people at the Wykham Arms. I paid Mrs. Bishop 2/6 for his entertainment.
The Parcel Post commenced operation today.
Called at Well’s at Swalcliffe. They showed me at my request, some old copy-slips, very beautifully written by a master of Sibford Gower School in the middle of the 17th century – and who was ancestor to some member of the family. They are extremely well executed and for the most part in a good state of preservation.
Attended meeting of Guardians at Banbury.
Received £97. 19. 4 from Simpkin Marshall & Co. for sales of Analytical Classical series for the half year ending June 30.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.