1879, November 17, Monday
Visited School, Ann Bond who lies quite insensible apparently. She cannot hear at all – but looks well cared for. Visited Mrs Pearce.
Visited School, Ann Bond who lies quite insensible apparently. She cannot hear at all – but looks well cared for. Visited Mrs Pearce.
Visited J Payne, Mr G Dix who has recently removed from Swalcliffe and is lodging at Mr W Fox’s – but he was not at home. Visited Mr William Fox.
Visited Canon Payne and told him that John Harris junior denied to me that any other women than Ann Coleman were enciente by him. It had been reported here that a Swalcliffe girl was in trouble by him and as I had mentioned the rumour to Canon Payne i thought it right to acquaint him with Harris’s denial.
Drove to Banbury and brought out parcel of books for Lending Library. Annie Smith came to stay for a few days.
Annual Tea Meeting of the members of the Library took place in the Schoolroom this evening. 81 sat down to tea. We had singing and readings afterwards and a very comfortable evening was spent.
Attended meeting at Town Hall Banbury for formation of a Sunday School teachers’ association for the neighbourhood in connexion with the Church of England Sunday School Institute. Canon Payne was in the chair. The Association was established. Rosa accompanied me. It was intensely cold.
Went to Savings’ Bank to business of Sibford Penny Bank.
Visited Mr John Enock. Elizabeth Dale called and brought me a letter she had received from the School Attendance Committee at Banbury summoning her to Banbury for next Monday because her girl had not attended school regularly. She did not want to go before the board and as the girl had been regular in attendance at School since the attendance officer was here she thought it rather hard. She wanted me to write to the Board for her, but I told her I could not do that. If I were to do so I should have to do it for the whole parish. She asked me to advise her. I said “write a proper letter to the board – say you are sorry the girl was irregular before – that she has not been absent since the attendance officer was here – that you will promise to keep her quite regular in the future – ask them if they will kindly excuse you from attendance next Monday as the weather is severe, the ground being covered with snow and the distance great – that if they will not excuse your attendance you will present yourself on the following Monday. She promised to do this. I subsequently learnt that Fred Inns wrote for her.
Annie Smith returned home.
Rapid thaw. Taught in Boys’ Sunday School this afternoon.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.